Nuevo cierre para envío de abstracts: 10 de febrero de 2012
Tema: «Emerging Triple Helix Models for Developing Countries: From Conceptualization to Implementation»
Website del congreso:
Theme: «Emerging Triple Helix Models for Developing Countries: From Conceptualization to Implementation»
Key Themes:
- Strengthening National Innovation Policies in Developing Countries
- Building Infrastructure
- Success Stories in Enhancing the Relevance of the Triple Helix Model
Fechas importantes
Closing date for Abstract submission: 10 January 2012
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 10 February 2012
Submission of Full Paper: 10 April 2012
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: 10 May 2012
Submission of Camera Ready Paper: 10 June 2012
Más información con instrucciones para autores click aquí
Instrucciones para autores
Please include one paragraph on the importance of Triple Helix interactions and innovation for growth and economic success particularly for developing countries, and also the objective of the conference.
Abstracts will be uploaded directly to the conference online system that can be accessed at here.
Temas clave
The above main theme is derived into several sub-themes. All the submitted papers are expected to follow their sub-themes, they are:
1. Triple Helix in Art , design and culture
1.1 Role of creative arts, design and culture for country competitiveness
1.2 Challenge of art and design collaboration between government, academician andbusiness practitioners
1.3 Creative and innovative media arts concepts and projects collaboration
1.4 Triple helix collaboration to preserve cultural heritage
1.5 Digital art, digital culture, net art and digital design
1.6 Technologies for teaching art and design
1.7 International perspectives in Art and Design
1.8 Emerging techniques and pedagogy to teach art, design and culture at highereducation
2. Triple Helix Collaboration for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
2.1 Opportunities for SME in Developing Countries
2.2 Strategies to boost the business environment for SME
2.3 Investments and financing SME growth
2.4 Banking and financial service innovations for SME
2.5 Patterns and Pathways of internationalizing SMEs
2.6 Performance Management in SMEs
2.7 Government Policy and Performance Measurement of SMEs
2.8 Role of Incubators, Science Park, Associations, Institutions and Universities for SMEgrowth
2.9 Encouraging youths to see entrepreneurships as future career
3. Implementation of Triple Helix model in Entrepreneurship
3.1 Entrepreneurship education
3.2 Corporate entrepreneurship/ intrapreneurship
3.3 Creative entrepreneurship
3.4 Cultural entrepreneurship
3.5 Entrepreneurial corporate culture
3.6 Business Incubator
3.7 Business model for Start-up companies
3.8 Women Entrepreneur
4. Higher Education Role in Triple Helix
4.1 R%amp;D in developing countries universities and research institutions
4.2 Social Media in Higher Education
4.3 Cultivation of the relationship with external constituencies of university
4.4 Securing competitive advantages of university/college
4.5 Collaboration strategies to increase faculty research productivity
4.6 Innovative pedagogies to improve faculty teaching performance
4.7 Strategic alliances and partnership in higher education
4.8 Resource acquisition strategies for university
4.9 The role of universities in expanding supply chain within rural societies
5. Triple Helix model for Developing Countries
5.1 Technology Diffusion in developing countries
5.2 Collaboration between developed agencies and developing agencies
5.3 Government support in Triple Helix Collaboration
5.4 Lesson learned from government-funded programs
5.5 Globalization and developing countries: implications for income distribution,institution and welfare
5.6 Infrastructure project collaboration in developing countries
5.7 Outsourcing Trend for Developing Countries
5.8 Foreign direct investment in Developing Countries
5.9 Minimizing the digital gap, methodologies and models of action research for international information technology transfer in developing countries
5.10 Learning things right: Contextualizing pitfalls of the developing countries in studying of the experiences of the developed countries
5.11 Combating piracy, the mobilization of IPR strategy for software developer industries
5.12 ASEAN opportunities industry
6. Triple Helix model for Innovation and Commercialization
6.1 Grassroots of Innovation Management
6.2 Cultural & diversity based Innovation policy for competitiveness growth
6.3 Innovation in Creative Industries
6.4 To build and implement Technology and Innovation Policy
6.5 Reverse innovation
6.6 Generating New Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Development
6.7 Social innovation
6.8 Inter-organizational Relationships Innovation Models for Developing Countries
6.9 Strengthening National Innovation Policies in Developing Countries
6.10 Communication of Innovation
6.11 Incentives strategy, value for money: Best case scenarios of innovation policies
6.12 Societal involvement for innovation fostering in services sectors (e.g. tourism)
7. Advancing Theories in Triple Helix Model
7.1 Trust Building in Triple Helix Models
7.2 Socio-economic Development and Triple Helix
7.3 Analytical Models for Triple Helix
7.4 Critical review on Existing Triple Helix Model
8. Triple Helix Model for Government Institution
8.1 Value for money: Evaluating “the fear of competitions†(working overlaps) among government research institutions
8.2 Government role for nationalizing products and services
8.3 The expected role of governments to promote for more demands for R&D results in the existing industries
A. Strengthening National Innovation Policies in Developing Countries
1. Grouped Sectors: Universities and R&D Institutions
Building entrepreneurship and social transforming leadership in universities and R&D institutions: Emerging and new approaches for the management of R&D institutions in developing countries.
2. Grouped Sectors: Business
Introducing R&D activities as the gauging factor for the management of innovativeness in businesses.
3. Grouped Sectors: Government
Reconstructing the holistic profile of governments in deploying innovation
4. Grouped Sectors: Communities
Strengthening the communities, combating poverty in the developing countries, expanding the civilisation achievement
5. Grouped Sectors: Developing Countries Issues
The Triple Helix concept as innovation strategy for transforming developing countries: cases learned from developing countries and in the context within ASEAN.
B. Building Infrastructure
Papers under this theme to relate to the development of innovation infrastructure in the following sectors:
Automotive/Transportation Innovations
Health and medicine
Advanced materials
Science parks/centres.
C. Success Stories in Enhancing the Relevance of the Triple Helix Model
Here papers are invited on creating live policy issues that address specific aspects of how the Triple Helix concept and academia/business/government interactions can spur the innovative capacities and capabilities of developing countries. The objective is to stimulate discussion/dialogues and policy development that will bring to the fore the role of innovation can play in the economic growth and success in developing countries.
Well-articulated statements here will offer an important framework for dialogue/ discussion/presentation and for the dissemination of knowledge and experience that will enhance the relevance of the Triple Helix Model in the developing countries, particularly among ASEAN Countries. Therefore, the subject areas are expected to cover:
Detailed description, including any related or associated problems and inadequacies.
Written in English, the abstract should consist of minimum 200 words and maximum 1,000 words (excluding references). The brief summary must include:
Sub Theme;
Keywords, maximum 5;
Brief presentation of the state-of-the-art, methodology, findings and interpretation, conclusions, policy implications, and directions for further research.
To assist on blind peer reviewing, the abstracts must not contain any text about the authors. Detailed instructions for full papers will be sent on acceptance of abstracts.
Document format:
The text must be as .doc or .pdf file, with Arial 10 or Times New Roman 12 font.
Fechas importantes
Closing date for Abstract submission: 10 January 2012
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 10 February 2012
Submission of Full Paper: 10 April 2012
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: 10 May 2012
Submission of Camera Ready Paper: 10 June 2012
Please contact the organising committee through the addresses of:
Amir Faisal Manurung (
Eko Agus Prasetio (