Concurso Premio Schumpeter 2016: «Building Bridges with heterodox economic currents». La International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society se complace en anunciar la 15a Schumpeter Premio del Concurso. El premio se concede cada dos a°os en reconocimiento de una contribución académica reciente relacionada con el trabajo de Schumpeter. Cierre: 10 de marzo.
Schumpeter Prize Competition 2016 on Building Bridges with heterodox economic currents The International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society is pleased to announce the 15th Schumpeter Prize Competition. The Prize is awarded every two years in recognition of a recent scholarly contribution related to Schumpeter ´s work. It carries a cash award of C$15,000 (10,000 Euros). Submissions must not have been published before 1 July 2014 and can be in the form of a book/manuscript or article/paper. A list of previous Prize winners is provided at the ISS main website. Schumpeter Prize entries must be postmarked no later than 10 March 2016. They must be sent to the president of the Prize Committee:
Department of Economics
Seoul National University
Shillim-Dong, Seoul, 151-746,
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