We invite contributions to join us in the 19th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators “Context Counts: Pathways to Master Big and Little Data†to be held in Leiden on 3—5 September, 2014.
The conference will focus on the social science of STI indicators, the context in which indicators function, and the increased availability of data for indicators.
We specifically invite submissions of research on the following topics:
• New and advanced indicators on measuring science in all its dimensions (including altmetrics)
• Theoretical foundations for measuring research in social science and in information science
• Science policy studies
Key dates:
28 February 2014: Deadline for submission (papers and posters)
31 March 2014: Deadline for submission of special sessions
15 June 2014: Notification of acceptance (papers and sessions)
Contact and more information:
http://2014.sticonference.org or http://sti2014.cwts.nlLa 19th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators “Context Counts: Pathways to Master Big and Little Data†se llevará a cabo en Leiden del 3 al 5 de septiembre 2014. Cierre para envío de resúmenes: 28 de febrero.
The conference will focus on the social science of STI indicators, the context in which indicators function, and the increased availability of data for indicators.
We specifically invite submissions of research on the following topics:
• New and advanced indicators on measuring science in all its dimensions (including altmetrics)
• Theoretical foundations for measuring research in social science and in information science
• Science policy studies
Key dates:
28 February 2014: Deadline for submission (papers and posters)
31 March 2014: Deadline for submission of special sessions
15 June 2014: Notification of acceptance (papers and sessions)
Contact and more information:
http://2014.sticonference.org or http://sti2014.cwts.nl
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