por ESCYT | Abr 1, 2011 | Convocatorias trabajos de investigación (CFP), Publicaciones, Red Argentina
Deadline: May 18, 2011 Eí¤ â€“ Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (ISSN 1852-4680) is a periodical free online journal in an interactive format publishing papers on Medical Humanities and Social Studies of Science and...
por creacom | Abr 1, 2011 | Eventos
November 10-11, 2011 | Tempe, Arizona www.cspo.org/seicongress Deadline for proposal submission: June 1st, 2011 There is an increasing push to offer scientists and engineers new forms of education in the social and ethical implications of research. Because this trend...
por creacom | Abr 1, 2011 | Eventos
6 a 11 de setembro de 2011, Recife (PE), Brasil www.alas2011recife.com | www.blogdoalas.blogspot.com alas2011recife@alas2011recife.com *** s inscrií§íµes para os Grupos de Trabalhos do XXVIII Congresso Internacional da Associaí§í£o Latino-Americana de Sociologia se...
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