El 25° Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (ICHST) se realizará e Río de Janeiro, Brasil del 23 al 29 de julio 2017 con el tema general “Science, Technology and Medicine between the Global and the Localâ€. Cierre para envío de simposios: 30 de abril 2016. Cierre de envío de abstracts para simposios: 25 de noviembre 2016. Cierre para envío de papers: 30 de noviembre 2016.
Website: http://www.ichst2017.sbhc.org.br/
The 25th International Congress of History of Science, and Technology (ICHST), which will be held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 23 to 29 July 2017, with the general theme .
Questions of place are gaining increasing importance in the work of historians of science, technology and medicine, to such an extent that some scholars suggest this corresponds to a veritable «spatial turn». It is unavoidable that researchers take sides on issues such as the situatedness of knowledge and practices, the problems pertaining to their movements across spaces and cultures (and not only along time) and, above all, the proper choice of scales of analysis – all the way between the global and the local, which is the core of the 25th ICHST’s theme. At the same time, this theme relates to the very nature of the Congress as the largest international gathering of historians of science, technology and medicine, inviting all of us to think about what we may say to and learn from each other, considering our own multifarious places and standpoints.
The 25th ICHST will be held in the Praia Vermelha campus of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), located in one of the most beautiful and touristic regions in the city, served by various forms of public transport and close to important clusters of hotels, beaches, and numerous artistic and cultural attractions.
Rio de Janeiro city is also one of the principal locations of important teaching and research institutions concerned with the History of Science, Technology and Medicine; a field of study which has developed significantly in Brazil in the last 30 years, and of which the Brazilian Society for the History of Science (Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciíªncia – SBHC) is the principal representative of this area of knowledge. SBHC and the Division of History of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST/DHST) have joined forces for the organization of the 25th ICHST.
We hope to receive for the 25th ICHST researchers from various continents for this event, which will be held in South America and the Southern Hemisphere for the first time.
Deadline for submission of symposia proposals: 30 April 2016
Call for stand-alone papers opens: 1 May 2016
Decisions on accepted symposia announced: 30 June 2016
Deadline for proposals of visits and excursions: 1 November 2016
Deadline for submission of paper abstracts within symposia: 25 November 2016
Deadline for submission of stand-alone paper proposals: 30 November 2016
Decisions on stand-alone papers announced: 10 February 2017
Early registration opens: 13 February 2017
Full programme released online: 1 April 2017
Early registration closes: 14 April 2017
Deadline for accommodation reservations: 26 May 2017
Final date for registration: 30 June 2017
Congress opens: 23 July 2017
Congress closes: 29 July 2017
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