Llamado a presentación de trabajos para la conferencia Building Capacity for Scientific Research, Innovation and Outcomes.

Papers and session proposals are due Wednesday, March 9, 6 pm EST.

The ability of S&T research and innovation systems to deliver depends on a continually improving capacity. This capacity is multidimensional and has interrelated characteristics and related challenges. The Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy 2011 will explore the research base that addresses the broad range of capacity related issues central to the structure, function, performance and outcomes of institutions, disciplines, regions, and economies.

Spanning three days, the conference will host a variety of sessions, including three plenary sessions reflecting the themes of the conference, paper sessions for well-developed research, roundtables for works in progress, and an early career poster session to allow young researchers to present their work. Themes of the 2011 conference will address the multidimensional and intertwining aspects of research/S&T related capacity, but the program committee also welcomes papers on other topic in science and technology policy.

Human Element:

* Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce
* Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education
* International mobility of scientists and engineers
* Issues of gender and ethnicity in the above


* Research-related cyber-infrastructure issues
* Changing dynamics of scientific research and collaboration (e.g., team science, cross disciplinary, virtual, international, and cross-sectoral )
* Emerging institutions and institutional forms in science and innovation

Policy Environment:

* Evaluating and tracking capacity development
* Designing and evaluating policies for economic, social, and environmental outcomes
* Ethical Issues in research
* Regional and national policies aimed at capacity development

Early career posters and competition. The conference invites posters from PhD students and researchers early in their careers. The poster session will be designed to be interactive and lively. Judging will be done during the session with a prize awarded during the meeting.

Best Paper Prize. A prize will also be awarded for the best paper presented at the meeting. In order to be eligible for this competition, a full paper (rather than an abstract) must be submitted by Wednesday, March 9, 6pm EST.

Discussions are underway with major journals in the field for special issues resulting from the meeting, as well as for publication of the proceedings with IEEE.

Submissions. The conference organizing committee invites submission of several types:

1) Abstracts for papers . Well-developed two-page abstracts will be given priority for presentation space. To be considered for inclusion in the proceedings, a full paper must be submitted by March 9 rather than an abstract.

2) Proposals for sessions. Session proposals should have a cohesive theme and should reflect the international scope of the conference. Each paper should be submitted individually and the session proposal, including the list of papers, should be sent to the Program Chair at atlc@pubpolicy.gatech.edu.

3) Abstracts for posters from undergraduate or graduate students and researchers within three years of receipt of a doctoral degree.

4) Proposals to give a short course on September 14, the day before the meeting. If you are interested in giving a course, please contact the Conference Chair, Susan Cozzens, for details (scozzens@gatech.edu), as soon as possible.

Paper, session, and poster proposals should be submitted by WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 6pm EST, through the link on www.atlantaconference.org. Questions can be addressed to the Program Chair, Julia Melkers, at atlc@ pubpolicy.gatech.edu