La Conferencia General EU-SPRI 2016: «Explorar nuevos caminos para la Innovación y Políticas de Investigación» está organizada por CIRCLE, Universidad de Lund, Suecia y se realizará del 07 al 10 de junio, 2016. Cierre para envío de abstracts: 8 de marzo.
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The 2016 Annual Conference of the EU-SPRI Forum: Exploring New Avenues for Innovation and Research Policies organized by CIRCLE, Lund University, Sweden on June 7-10, 2016.
The key objectives of the conference are to provide a forum for scholars interested and active in the areas of research and innovation policy analysis to exchange ideas and present findings across disciplinary boundaries as well as interaction between researchers and policy-makers/politicians. Participants from all countries and from any relevant disciplines are welcome to submit paper abstract proposals! Accepted proposals will be the basis for presentations at the conference. (Full papers are not to be submitted.) We expect about 150 – 200 participants.
Innovation policy and research policy are understood here as actions by public and semi-public organizations that influence, respectively, innovation and research. Research policy has been examined theoretically and empirically for many decades while innovation policy is gradually becoming established as an independent policy area. As more and more new initiatives are being undertaken in all parts of the world, new innovation policy instruments are being created and new public policy agencies are being established – at international, national, regional and local levels.
The Lund EU-SPRI Annual Conference 2016 welcomes both conceptual/theoretical and empirical contributions that provide scientific underpinnings for innovation and research policies. We welcome papers focusing on policies as the object of analysis as well as papers addressing the policy implications of other related kinds of analyses. Conference paper abstract proposals on the following sub-themes (and related ones) are encouraged:
- Knowledge foundations for research and innovation policies
- The relationship between innovation theory and innovation policy
- The development of innovation policy as an independent area, and its interactions with other policy areas (education, climate, health, entrepreneurship, employment, growth, industrial policies)
- The particular relationships between innovation policy and research policy – should they be separate or integrated?
- The history of innovation policy as a research area
- Research methods in innovation and research policy analysis
- Challenges in designing, organizing, governing, implementing and evaluating innovation and research policies (rationales for policy, policy objectives, use of indicators and comparative studies to identify policy problems and their causes, policy development, policy learning, etc.)
- The practice of innovation and research policies across different countries and regions (both developed and developing countries/regions)
- Emerging themes and topics such as:
- Innovation and research policies to solve societal problems, satisfy human needs and mitigate grand challenges, e.g. policies related to sustainability transitions, social innovation, green innovation and smart specialization
- Tensions between innovation policies based on the linear view and holistic/broad-based/systemic innovation policies
- The relations between governance and institutions (rules of the game) in innovation and research policies
- The relationship between innovation policy instruments and functions/activities in innovation systems
- The development of new innovation and research policy instruments
- Demand-oriented innovation policies, e.g. innovation-related public procurement
- The role of the public element in Private-Public Partnerships
- Financing of innovation and research processes
Important dates
11 January 2016: Call for paper abstracts opens
15 February 2016: Early-Bird Registration opens
8 March 2016: Call for paper abstracts closes
15 April 2016: Notification of acceptance
17 April 2016: Early-Bird Registration closes
18 April 2016: Regular registration opens
13 May 2016: Regular registration closes
14 May 2016 – 6 June 2016: Late registration
7 June 2016 – 10 June 2016: Conference
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