Compartimos a continuación un aviso y llamado a presentación de trabajos de la conferencia internacional «Transiciones Tecnológicas para la Sustentabilidad» que será llevada a cabo del 13 al 15 de Junio del a°o próximo en la Universidad de Lund en Suiza (en inglés):
June 13-15, 2011
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
The Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), the Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE ) at Lund University and the Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN) invite you to the 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions.
The first international conference on Sustainability Transitions, held in Amsterdam June 2009, brought together a rapidly growing community of researchers and practitioners interested in socioâ€technical transitions and ecoâ€innovation. It emphasized the growing internationalization of sustainability transitions research, not only as a research community but also in terms of its research agenda. The diversity of participants indicated considerable enthusiasm for new connections within the transitions research community and engagements with other relevant disciplines or communities. The goal of the second international conference on Sustainability Transitions is to follow up on these developments and to further our understanding of sustainability transitions by facilitating a dialogue between ongoing research activities, new areas of inquiry, and alternative approaches to sustainability transitions. Hence the theme of this conference: ‘Diversity, plurality and change: breaking new grounds in sustainability transitions research’
For more information and submission of abstracts, please go to
On behalf of the organizing committee
Lars Coenen (CIRCLE)
Lennart Olsson (LUCSUS)
Ulrik Jí¸rgensen (DTU, Denmark)
John Grin (Univ. of Amsterdam)
Adrian Smith (SPRU, UK)
Call for Papers
Abstract submissions deadline: January 10, 2011
The maximum number of words for abstracts: 400
Abstracts under any of the conference themes are welcome. Abstracts must be submitted electronically by January 10, 2011 at
Proposals for thematic sessions of 4-5 papers are also invited. Such proposals should include abstracts for each paper together with a short overview of the session and be sent to the program committee,, for approval prior to submission.
Authors will be notified February 14. The review process will be double blind and the Sustainability Transition Network (STRN) steering group will act as reviewers.
Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence.
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