La Sociedad para Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia (4S) invita a propuestas para paneles abiertos para si reunión anual, a realizarse en Denver, Colorado del 11 al 15 de Noviembre 2015. El cierre es el 18 de enero
The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) is now inviting proposals for open panels for its 2015 Annual Meeting, November 11-15 in Denver, Colorado. The purpose of open panels is to support the formation of new networks around topics of interest to the 4S community.
Like any meeting session, an open panel is a paper session with a theme and a responsible chairperson(s). In contrast to traditional session proposals, it is not submitted already filled up with papers. Rather, open panel topics, once accepted by the program chair, are subsequently included in the call for papers, and authors nominate their paper for one or more panels. An open panel may extend across up to three sessions of five papers each (i.e. a total of maximum 15 papers).
Proposers of open panels are volunteering to chair a session of papers related to their topic. Open Panel chairs may be consulted regarding the composition of their panel, but they do not have review authority. If you want control over the composition of your panel, you should submit a conventional session proposal during the submission season.
Submit proposed topics at
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