La convocatoria es para 3 la DFG graduate school “Innovation society today†de la Universidad Tecnológica de Berlin. Deadline: 15 de febrero.
The DFG graduate school “Innovation society today†at the Technische Universití¤t Berlin, Germany, is pleased to advertise 3 visiting fellowships. The fellowships are available for a peri
od of three months, either from April to June 2014 or October to December 2014.
The graduate school addresses the following key questions: How is novelty created reflexively; in which areas do we find reflexive innovation; and which actors are involved? Practices, orientations, and processes of innovations are studied in and between various fields, such as (a) science and technology, (b) the industrial and service sectors, (c) arts and culture, and (d) political governance, social planning of urban and regional spaces. More information about the graduate school can be found on our website: (click on the flag at the top of the page for an English version).
By following an extended notion of innovation, the graduate school strives to develop a sophisticated sociological view on innovation, which is more encompassing than conventional economic perspectives. Our doctoral students are currently undertaking a first series of case studies to promote a deeper and empirically founded understanding of the meaning of innovation in contemporary society and of the social processes it involves.
The fellowships are aimed at late-stage doctoral candidates/early career scholars.
We offer a monthly grant of € 1,000 for doctoral candidates and € 1,500 for post-docs (tax-free, accident insurance cover; health insurance is, however, not included), as well as travel costs to and from Berlin at the beginning and end of the stay. Visiting fellows are expected to contribute to the discussions and activities of the graduate school, including an active role in workshops and seminars. This will also include a presentation of current research during one of the seminars, as well as the drafting of a report on research findings once the stay is over. The program is affiliated to the department of sociology, but applications from political science, history, philosophy, economics, STS and other fields that deal with innovation in society are encouraged. Applicants should, however, be able to present a primary research interest in at least one of the four social domains for innovation mentioned above.
Applications should be in English and state in what way the applicant is expected to profit from the interaction with our graduate school, and vice-versa, as well as the preferred time period for the stay. They must also include (1) a CV (including publications and language skills), (2) copies of academic diplomas, (3) a short description (max. 3 pages) of the doctoral project in progress or, for post-docs, another project the applicant wants to progress on during his or her stay, (4) a (confidential) academic letter of recommendation from one university professor (for doctoral candidates, this should be a thesis supervisor), that should be sent under separate cover by the professor to the address below. Please note that we can only accept applications via email, preferably as a single PDF document that is no bigger than 5 MB. The letter of recommendation should be sent by the referee directly to us by email.
The deadline for applications and letters of recommendation is February 15th, 2014.
Please submit all documents to the following email address:
If you have any questions, please contact the graduate school’s academic coordinator, Thomas Crowe, at
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