Está abierta la convocatoria a resúmenes para el panel abierto “Human rights restitution «in the making»: on expertise and devices for denunciation and reparation of political violence” que se realizará en el marco de la Conferencia 4S/EASST en Barcelona, 31 de agosto al 3 de septiembre 2016. Cierre de enví­o de resúmenes: 21 de febrero. 


Call for abstracts: ‘4S/EASST 2016: Science and Technology by Other Means’; Barcelona, 31 August – 3 September 2016

Track Title: Human rights restitution «in the making»: on expertise and devices for denunciation and reparation of political violence. (Track 026)

Oriana Bernasconi
Departamento de Sociologí­a, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile.

Fredy Mora-Gámez
School of Management, University of Leicester, United Kingdom.
GESCTM, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,

The panel explores the role of expertise and technical devices participating in institutional responses to collective violence. We open up rights restitution «in the making» to gain a better understanding of these controversial dynamics considering particular issues of power, knowledge and truth.

Restitution of human rights in situations of violence is approached as a set of institutional decisions that recognize different forms of perpetration. Such affectations generally occur under dictatorships,
armed conflicts, wars, genocides, and other forms of politically tivated violence. The administrative act of recognizing the vulnerability of human rights is generally accompanied by the
acknowledgement of responsibilities, compensations, asylum, medical care, psychosocial assistance, humanitarian aids, creation of memorials and museums, among other actions traditionally included in the repertoire of reparation; this acknowledgement also differentiates between victims and perpetrators.

Following Foucault, Deleuze, Agamben, among others, we use the term evices to address a heterogeneous network of elements inscribed in relations of power and sustaining a variety of types of knowledge including discourses, institutions, regulations, laws, rationales, among other elements.

Such devices can be empirically reconstructed by examining the role of different discourses, technologies and forms of expertise in the classification and processing of those atrocities. Thus, it becomes crucial to study the relations around files, interview guidelines, administrative forms, checklists, forensic evidence, legal instruments, assistance protocols, databases and documented proofs. This panel seeks contributions addressing the emergent uses and effects of such devices and forms of expertise in the evaluation and assistance of people affected by forced migration, forced disappearance, imprisonment, exile, exoneration, relegation, torture, anti-person mines,assassinations, among other forms of violence.

We welcome reflections on the potential role of STS in approaching rights denunciation, restitution research, as well as theoretical, methodological, and ethical insights in approaching this field, as well
as considerations of the social orders that rights restitution make possible in the contemporary world.

Deadline for submissions: February 21st, 2016.

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