La Conferencia Anual EU-SPRI  «Science and innovation policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice» tendrá lugar del 18 al 20 de junio 2014 en Manchester, Reino Unido. El cierre para enví­o de propuestas de sesiones extendido hasta el 12 de noviembre.

The EU-SPRI conference provides an opportunity to review our research agenda in the broad field of science, technology and innovation policy studies. For the Manchester conference, we hope to encourage creativity and exploration beyond approaches and assumptions that may be reaching the limits of their utility.

Our key concerns are:

Understanding policy dynamics, and the links between policies, funding patterns, interventions, outcomes and effects
Understanding the rise of goal, challenge or mission orientation in science and technology policies
Addressing questions of responsible governance in science and technology policies
Addressing the challenges of co-ordination and im- plementation of policies

In this first step, we invite proposals for sessions only. This will be followed in December 2013 by an invitation for papers, both linked to the accepted sessions as well as thematically open papers.

We encourage session proposals that aspire to go beyond the standard approaches. We especially welcome pro- posals for sessions that genuinely make connections with, and draw real value from, cognate fields such as policy analysis and evaluation studies, science and technology studies, the economics of innovation and development studies.

We have initially identified the following (suggestive rather than exhaustive) list of topics that proposals for conference sessions may wish to address:

Rationales and goals for science and technology policies: Old missions, new missions?
Where do policies come from, and where do they go? Policy emergence, implementation, diffusion and transfer
How do we know what works? New approaches to impact assessment and evaluation
Public or private? State versus non-State actors in the conduct of research and the governance of science and technology
National science policies and the global scientific en- terprise
Being responsible? The responsible governance of research and innovation, in theory and in practice
Old actors, new roles? Research performing organi- sations, research funders, intermediaries and other actors in the research and innovation policy system
Open science, impact agendas and public engage- ment: the changing practices of science in the policy context
The multi-level governance of research and innova- tion and the challenge of co-ordination
One size does not fit all? STI policies for less- developed and emerging economies

Each session proposal should outline the topic, broad ra- tionale and state the expectations as to the kinds of con- tributions expected in the actual call.
The overall length of a session proposal should be between 1000 and 1500 words.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is November 12.
Please send session proposals to:
Scientific Committee

Andrea Bonaccorsi (Univ Pisa) | Susana Borras (CBS) | Massi-mo Colombo (Politechnico Milano) | Stephanie Daimer (FhG- ISI) | Michael Dinges (AIT) | Charles Edquist (Lund Univ) | Jan Fagerberg (Univ Oslo) | Merle Jacob (Lund Univ) | Philippe Laredo (Univ Pari-Est/Univ Manchester) | Gillian Marcelle (Wits Univ) | Gonzalo Ordonez Matamoros (Univ Twente) | Ellen Moors (Utrecht Univ) | Ismael Rafols (CSIC-UP Valencia) | Paloma Sanchez (Autonoma Univ Madrid) | Jack Stilgoe (UCL) | James Wilsdon (Univ Sussex) | Jan Youtie (GeorgiaTech)
Local Organising Committee

Jakob Edler and Maria Nedeva (Co-chairs)
Kate Barker | Paul Cunningham | Kieron Flanagan | Andrew James | Elvira Uyarra

See the attachment or the Conference website:
Descargar convocatoria: