Compartimos con ustedes información sobre evento sobre Educación y Trabajo Cooperativo en TICs. Se realizará el 23 de Febrero de 2012 en San Antonio, Texas, USA:

CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) and Education: Viewing Education as a Site of Work Practice.

The workshop will take place at CSCW 2013 (ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work). The workshop will be held on Saturday, February 23rd, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Educational organizations, whether they are formal or informal, present a work environment in which technology, and social and cultural interactions mediate unfolding work. What opportunities does this site of work practice hold for CSCW researchers and designers? And how might these educational organizations benefit from the work of CSCW? This one-day workshop will explore these and other similar questions as we seek to build a community of researchers, designers and practitioners in different disciplines interested in the intersection of CSCW and Education.

We are accepting 2-4 page position papers from participants that theoretically and / or empirically relate to the topic. These are due by November 16, 2012. Visit our web page for more information or email:

Organizing Committee:
Peter Wardrip
Ben Shapiro
Andrea Forte
Spiro Maroulis
Karen Brennan
Ricarose Roque