Compartimos con ustedes información sobre llamados a presentación de trabajos en la Sesión «Case Studies and Methodologies» (en inglés):
• The 2nd International Symposium on Integrating Research, Education, and Problem Solving: IREPS 2012
• The Special Track on Interdisciplinary Research, Education, and Communication: IDREC 2012
• The 6th Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2012These are collocated with the following events:
• The 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Applications: ICTA 2012
• The 2nd International Conference on Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics: icEIC 2012
• The 3rd International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2012
• The 2nd International Conference on Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DeMset 2012Links to the respective deadlines, of the other events, are included in the General Call for Participation indicated above.
If you cannot participate in the conference, please consider contributing in any of the following ways: submitting articles to a special issue of the IIIS Journal, commenting on published peer-reviewed articles, submitting articles for non-peer-reviewed publications which might lead to be selected as candidates for peer-reviewed publications.
You can find more details regarding this issue at
Fall stCSM 2012 Co-organizers
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