Queremos invitarlos a una nueva llamada para comunicaciones [call for papers] para el workshop sobre «Movilidad, la ciudad y los estudios CTS» [en inglés, «Mobility, the City and STS workshop»] que se realizará entre los días 20 y 22 de Noviembre de 2008 en la Universidad Técnica de Dinamarca en Copenhagen [Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen]. El workshop será coordinado por el Profesor Ulrik Jí¸rgensen de la ‘Technical University of Denmark’ y por el Profesor Knut Sí¸rensen de la ‘Norwegian University of Science and Technology’. Las comunicaciones serán publicadas en un libro o publicación con referato [peer-reviewed]. Por favor, envie los abstracts (de no más de 500 palabras) a Andrés Valderrama ava@ipl.dtu.dk o Sebastián Ureta sureta@uc.cl. El plazo límite para el envio es el 31 de Agosto de 2008. A continuación les copiamos la fundamentación del workshop (en inglés):
«Mobility is at the very centre of the dynamics of contemporary cities. From bikes to subways, wi-fi hotspots to sewage infrastructure; our cities are increasingly becoming spaces of flows through which a growing number of people, materials and information move on a daily basis. These growing levels of movement represent not only a technical challenge for planners or the increase of pollution and congestion for authorities and environmentalists. Beyond this we can observe the development of new kinds of highly complex socio-technical systems of urban mobility that radically reconfigure the practice and experience of living in cities. This situation has been acknowledged by a series of developments in the fields of urban studies, geography, sociology, anthropology, and others related areas in which the study of these multiple mobilities appear as its main subject. Even a particular area of social research and theory called “mobility studies†has been established with the explicit aim to study the mobile aspects of social life in all its complexity and heterogeneity; from everyday interactions at the local level to wider issues regarding themes like globalization, exclusion, and sustainability. In this context the aim of this workshop is to bring together social scientists and other researchers to present and discuss empirical or theoretical work about the relationships between mobility and the city from one particular perspective: Science and Technology Studies (STS).
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