Compartimos aquí convocatoria a presentación de trabajos en la revista Sociologias. La fecha límite para envíos es Septiembre de 2010:
We hereby invite you to publish an article on the Sociologias journal (, as a dossier in the subject area of Social Studies in Science & Technology. Sociologias is a semi-annual publication of the Graduate Program in Sociology, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS/Brazil (, intended to promote exchanges between social scientists both in Brazil and internationally; it accepts original studies in the form of articles, book reviews, and research communications. With a pluralistic orientation that seeks to broaden the spaces for the expression of the various currents that exist in the social sciences field, this journal opens up debate themes and approaches that present interfaces with sociology. The council of outside consultants consists of researchers in the specific areas of the articles.
The following themes are suggested for this dossier:
· Biosociability and heterogeneity: the technoscientific narrative as a substrate for somatic identities;
· Disputes for resources and power struggles in the scientific field: discourse and rhethoric analyses in the construction of “strategic knowledgeâ€;
· STS studies and environmental sociology;
· Theoretical and comparative discussion on the main concepts and approaches in the sociology of science and technology;
· Democratic deliberation and decision models in large socio-technical undertakings;
· The role and scope of regulation and ethics in convergent technologies: nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognoscience, and information sciences;
· Technological incarnation in bodies and their consequences on social interactions: difference, personality, and awareness in view of the development of neuroscience, biotechnology, information sciences, and nanotechnology.
· Relationship between plain and applied research within the context of technoscience;
· Discussion on the models of public participation and regulations in science and technology;
· Debate on expertise and scientific and technological controversies;
· The production of scientific legitimacy and its relationship with political counseling;
· The problem of the ontological division between nature/culture as compared with convergent technologies: what is the theoretical and conceptual future of human sciences?
· Studies on scientific controversies involving case studies;
· Empirical STS studies in technologically dense environments, with complex sociotechnical practices and heterogeneous mobilization of human and non-human entities, dependent upon special management structures and organizational practices;
· Sociology of risk and scientific controversies.
We would like very much to count on your participation in this dossier, which will be published in the first semester of 2011. The deadline for submitting the article is September, 2010.
Please find article formatting information attached to this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The journal is indexed with the following databases:
• Cambridge Scientific Abstracts / Sociological Abstracts
• CLASE – Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
• Dataíndice – IUPERJ
• LAPTOC – Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents
• Latindex (Directorio)
• Portal Quorum de Revistas (
• Redalyc – Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, Espa°a y Portugal
• SocINDEX with Full Text – EBSCO.Best regards,
Jalcione Almeida – UFRGS (
Adriano Premebida – Fundaí§í£o Djalma Batista ( our
Fabrício Neves – UFSM (
[Dossier Coordinators]
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