El centro SPRU de la Universidad de Sussex abre la convocatoria para su Maestrí­a en Innovación y Sustentabilidad del Desarrollo Internacional, a comenzar en septiembre 2014. El programa tiene un a°o de duración full time y dos a°os en dedicación parcial.


The 21st century imperative is to reconcile these three aspects of sustainable development. How? One way is to address this challenge through policies that combine the ‘right’ science, technology and innovation. The MSc in Innovation and Sustainability for International Development (ISID) will train aspiring professionals to deal effectively with these policy challenges. SPRU is a world-renowned leader in the analysis of the economic and social impact of innovation. International development agencies, NGOs, national ministries and firms in developing countries crucially need graduates able to translate theories of innovation into effective development policies and practices to achieve green and inclusive growth.

MSc in Innovation and Sustainability of International Development at SPRU, University of Sussex within your organisation. Our MSc in Innovation and Sustainability of International Development course allows students to translate theories of innovation into effective development policies and practices to achieve inclusive growth in the Global South.

Key Benefits of the MSc in Innovation and Sustainability of International Development at SPRU

The course investigates how economic growth, greening and inclusiveness might be at odd with each others and how to reconcile them through policies that combine the «right» science, technology and innovation to ensure sustainable development. In addition, we offer a range of option modules, giving students the opportunity to pursue their own interests and develop a specialism.

SPRU is recognised internationally as being at the forefront of research in the field of science and technology policy and innovation management. In fact, SPRU is ranked the 2nd science and policy think tank in the UK and 10th in the world. University of Pennsylvania: Global Go-To Think-Tanks Report 2013

Our research informs our teaching. So, our students have access to world-leading experts who draw upon economics, sociology, policy, management, political science, engineering, law, the natural and life sciences, and history to address some of the major issues of our time.

The World Bank and other influential international agencies now talk about sustainable development in terms of ‘Inclusive Green Growth’. However, economic growth, greening and inclusiveness may be at odds with each other.

For an informal discussion contact Dr Maria Savona (M.Savona@sussex.ac.uk)


We have a number of funding opportunities available, please see our website: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/study/2014/taught/30286#fees