El Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute busca candidato para llevar el diseño y el pensamiento de STS a cursos de grado en diseño participativo; diseño industrial; diseño de experiencia de usuario; y diseño, cultura e identidad. Los solicitantes deben tener un doctorado o título extranjero equivalente en Estudios de Ciencia y Tecnología o un campo estrechamente relacionado, ya sea de las humanidades o las ciencias sociales. Inicio de revisión de postulaciones: 15 de febrero.


We are currently seeking a faculty member to bring Design and STS thinking to undergraduate studio-format courses on participatory design; industrial design; user experience design; and design, culture, and identity. Studio courses constitute the core curricular experience of Design, Innovation and Society majors—students in the STSDepartment who often also major in engineering, communication, management, or building sciences. These students integrate design, social justice, and sustainability concerns into their technical practice.

Applicants must have a PhD or foreign degree equivalent in Science and Technology Studies or a closely related field, either from the humanities or social sciences. The primary teaching responsibilities will be advanced studio formats on themes of sustainability, user experience, marginalized communities, or other fields according to the candidate’s field of expertise. The ideal candidate will be a versatile educator who can teach in studio, introductory, and seminar classrooms, and should have design skills and knowledge, such as computer-assisted design (CAD), prototyping, design processes, and data visualization skills, among others. We particularly welcome candidates who are able to infuse design teaching with discussions of social justice and inclusion.


For further information, please see https://rpijobs.rpi.edu/postings/7651