Está abierta la convocatoria para posiciones docentes tenure track en estudios sobre la ciencia y la tecnología en la Universidad Tecnológica de Munich, Munich Center for Technology in Society. El cierre de aplicaciones es el 14 de febrero.
TUM is the first university in Germany to reinforce its recruitment policy by a comprehensive tenure track system. Based on best international standards and transparent performance criteria, TUM FACULTY TENURE TRACK offers merit-based academic career options for high-potential early-career scientists, from the appointment asAssistant Professor through a permanent position as Associate Professor (W3) and on to Full Professor.
The TUM Integrative Research Center Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) inquires the interaction of technology and science with societal questions. MCTS invites applications for the
Tenure Track Assistant Professorships in Science & Technology Studies
with up to four Professorships to be appointed as soon as possible in the following fields:
— Policy of Science and Technology,
focussing on the global Grand Challenges and their implications for the governance of transdisciplinary and inter-organizational research.
— Participative Technology Design,
focussing on the role of heterogeneous actors networks in innovation and diffusion processes of future technologies. The professorship will be initiated together with the Munich School of Engineering (MSE) at TUM.
— Innovation Research,
focussing on the role of Technical Universities as generators of innovation and their implications on organization and governance.
— Media Studies in Science and Technology,
focussing on the technologized, esp. digitized communication of science both within research communities and to the public.
MCTS awards the Tenure Track Professorships to excellent junior scientists with a high potential for developing an internationally recognized research agenda at TUM. Applicants should have been trained in a field of Science and Technology Studies and should have in-depth knowledge in a discipline of Engineering and/or Technical Sciences. Eligible candidates have established a strong track record during the postdoctoral phase, and demonstrate pedagogical and personal aptitude as well as substantial international experience.
The initial appointment will be for 6 years. After positive evaluation in the final year, the candidate is tenured on an Associate Professor level. In exceptional cases, the tenure evaluation may be initiated after a minimum of three years. Such cases will have to be justified by outstanding achievements of the candidate and by contributing to strategically shaping the university’s profile. The regulations according to “TUM Faculty Recruitment and Career System†( apply.
Prerequisites for this position are a university degree, a doctoral degree, teaching skills at university level, and additional academic achievements (according to Art. 7 and Art. 10 III BayHSchPG). Candidates for this position should should not have completed their 51st year of age at the time of appointment; exceptions to this rule might be possible. The ability to teach in English is a prerequisite for TUM Professors.
As part of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments, TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially increasing the diversity of its faculty. As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages nominations of and applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university’s research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications.
The TUM Munich Dual Career Office provides support for dual career couples and families.
Applications are submitted by February 14th, 2014 and should include the following documents: CV, certificates, credentials, list of publications, 3 selected reprints and a short statement with a max. of 1,000 characters about their novelty impact, presentation of research strategy, list of courses taught, statement on teaching strategy and teaching philosophy, third-party funding, as well as one letter of recommendation, and the names and addresses of 3 references.
For more information, please contact Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen, Chair for Sociology of Science ( or Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, Chair for Philosophy and Theory of Science (
Applications should be submitted to:
Technische Universití¤t Mí¼nchen
Munich Center for Technology in Society
Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen
Arcisstr. 21
80333 Munich
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