Como anunciamos en un anterior post sobre este evento, la Conferencia Anual HAPSAT: Instruments: Mental and Material se desarrollará el 25 de Abril en Toronto. Aquí debajo reproducimos el programa de la Jornada (en inglés):
Sunday April 25, 2010
Breakfast & Registration
Welcome Opening:
Anjan Chakravartty, Director, IHPST University of Toronto
Panel 1: Philosophy of Scientific Instrumentation
Chair: TBA 9:00-9:25 Extended Thing Knowledge: When Ideas have Weight
Mathieu Charbonneau, Universite de Montreal
9:25-9:55 Constraining too Promiscuous Realism
Justin C. Donhauser, University of Buffalo
9:55-10:15 Cognitive Access and the Epistemology of Scientific Instruments
David Rodriguez-Ruiz, SUNY-Buffalo
10:15-10:30: Coffee/Tea Break
Panel 2: Representations and Instruments
10:30-10:55 The Illusion of Intelligence: Technology, Conjuring, and “Psychoâ€logy in Nineteenth-Century London
Sarah Kriger, University of Toronto
10:55-11:20 When is a body not a body? Plastination and Representation in the Context of Science and the Public
Ari Gross, University of Toronto
11:20-11:45 Botanical Models and Medical Teaching in Nineteenth-Century Scottish Universities
Margaret Olszewski, University of Toronto
11:45-12:10 The Gyroscope: A Scientific Plaything’s role in Comprehending the World
Lina Hakim, London Consortium in Humanities & Cultural Studies
12:10-1:15: Lunch
KEYNOTE: Stethoscope: Technology and the Meaning of Life
Professor Jacalyn Duffin, Queen’s University
2:15-2:30: Coffee/Tea Break
Panel 3: Biological and Medical Instruments
Chair: Marga Vicedo, IHPST University of Toronto
2:30-2:55: Techniques and Technologies in Experimental Embryology
Jason Oakes, University of Pennsylvania
2:55-3:20 Rethinking Medical Imaging Artifacts
James A. Overton, University of Western Ontario
3:20-3:45 Technology, History, and Professionalization: George M. Beard (1839-1883) and Late-Nineteenth-Century Electrotherapy
Joris Vandendriessche & Matthew McGeachy, University of Minnesota
3:45-4:10 The Measured Gene as Determinist Gene
Jordan Bartol, University of Guelph
4:10-4:30: Coffee/Tea Break
Panel 4: Integrating Objects into HPS
Chair: Katey Anderson, York University
4:30-4:55 Material Evidence in History: An Examination of Early 20th Century X-ray
Vivien Hamilton, University of Toronto
4:55-5:20 Thoughts and Things: What Instruments can do for Philosophy
Isaac Record, University of Toronto
5:20-5:45 Methods of Integration: Teaching with Scientific Artifacts in HPS
Sarah-Jane Patterson, University of Toronto
6:30: Dinner
Location TBA
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