Fecha límite para el envío de resúmenes (300-500 palabras): 31 de mayo. Notificación de aceptación: 22 de junio. Límite para el envío de los manuscritos completos: 4 de octubre de 2017.
City imaginings and urban everyday life
Johanna Ylipulli (University of Oulu, Center for Ubiquitous Computing)
Seija Ridell (University of Tampere, Media Studies, Faculty of Communication Sciences)
Jenni Partanen (Tampere University of Technology, Architecture)
WiderScreen 1/2018 focuses on the encounters between city imaginings and urban daily life. The starting point of the theme issue is the observation that diverse forms of imagining pervade the urban everyday life; they are entwined with practices of inhabitation and governance, and structure the media representations of city life’s realities.
The city is a long-standing and central stage for fictional narration – it has featured as a dystopian abyss of depravity and decay or a utopian wonderland of prosperity and progress. At the same time, the management and planning of cities are shaped by value-laden imaginaries and visions. The fictional, the factual and the actual intertwine both in how the urban present is lived and experienced and in how the city’s past and future are envisioned. Yet these imaginings also may collide, if the imaginative capacity specific to fiction disturbs the taken-for-grantedness of urban daily experience, or exposes and renders problematic the interests that steer the planning of urban futures.
We invite to the special issue scholarly contributions that address theoretically, methodologically or empirically questions and cases relating to the following themes:
– cities in fiction; urban utopias and dystopias in different media and genres
– representations of actual cities, for example, in architectural rendering, 3D-visualizations and other urban design depictions, or in promotional and marketing materials
– relationships between city imaginings and urban everyday life
– imagining urban futures and dynamics of power
The theme issue is bilingual (English / Finnish). In addition to peer reviewed article manuscripts (4000-7000 words), we welcome shorter book and research reviews, interviews and columns on the subject.
Please send your abstract (300-500 words) by May 31th to Dr. Johanna Ylipulli, whom you can also contact for further information: johanna.ylipulli@oulu.fi. Notification of acceptance by June 22th. The deadline for the full manuscripts is October 4th 2017. The theme issue will be published in the spring 2018.
WiderScreen is an open access Finnish academic journal dealing with multimedial, digital, and audiovisual media culture. The journal is recognized as level 1 peer-reviewed publication by the national Publication Forum. For more information, see http://widerscreen.fi/about- widerscreen/
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