triplehelixEl evento se realizará en Heidelberg, Alemania del 25 al 27 de septiembre 2016. Tema del evento: «Triple Helix Models of Innovation – Addressing Ecosystem Challenges in the Era of Crises». Enví­o de resúmenes hasta el 30 de abril.

The Organising Committee is pleased to announce that we have received abstracts in 12 of our conference tracks – as evidence of high interest. In response to requests from THA members, we have extended the deadline for abstract submission. Full THA members can submit their abstract for the conference until 18 April â€“ in order to qualify for the Super Early Bird Registration (299€). The deadline for the Super Early Bird Registration is 30 April 2016.

The abstract submission system will remain open to all participants until 30 April 2016. Reviewer’s feedback and acceptance decisions will be communicated to participants before 30 May 2016, to enable them to qualify for the Early Bird Registration (350€) – with deadline 25th June 2016.

We are also pleased to announce a new track that has opened for submission of abstracts with a focus on‘Triple Helix and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in the Light of Complexity and Evolutionary Ecology’.Bernd Wí¼rth from University of Strathclyde is inviting participants to present their work on university-industry-government interactions within the framework of ecosystems research, as well as to develop new insights into how ecosystems work, what role institutions and individuals of the Triple Helix play, and how they interact and co-evolve. For more information, please, have a look at the call for abstracts.
For those colleagues that have made a commitment to present their scientific papers and practical cases, there is additional information on the conference venue.

We look forward to welcome you in Heidelberg! XIV THA Organising Committee.