La XV Conferencia Internacional Triple Hélice tendrá lugar en Daegu-Corea del Sur, del 14 al 16 de septiembre de 2017. La recepción de resúmenes estará abierta hasta el 30 de julio.

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This year the XV Triple Helix International Conference will be held in Daegu (South Korea) on 14-16th September 2017 on the theme «The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), Design Thinking, and the Triple Helix», with the objective to feed the scientific discourse around Industry 4.0 and related implications and impact on the Triple Helix of the innovation eco-system and their interfaces in the governance of emerging technologies.

The 2017 Triple Helix International Conference Theme paper “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Triple Helix” authorized by So Young Kim, Professor & Head, Graduate School of Science & Technology Policy, KAIST, sheds a light on the challenges arising from Industry 4.0 for the Triple Helix Actors and stimulate the discussion around them, while addresses different point of views over the so called fourth industrial revolution, stressing the debate over its concept, impact and uncertain nature of related new technologies. Those aspects are directly connected with university-government-industries interactions to promote innovation and the role of university in the sustainable economic development in this new era.

  • Which new roles should the Triple Helix actors play in assessing the utility and risk of emerging technologies and contributing to the discussions of alternative futures of those technologies?
  • How can Universities align their mission to the new challenges arising from the 4th Industrial revolution and foster higher level of creativity, inter-(or trans-) disciplinarity, and learning by doing in education, in order to sustain a human-centered approach to innovation?
  • How may interactions within the Triple Helix go beyond strategizing opportunities from technological innovations?

These are some of the questions our Conference agenda will focus on.

We look forward to your intellectual contribution on these topics as well as other triple helix, innovation and entrepreneurship issues. The call for abstract, including case studies, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, theoretical and practical orientations as well as policy proposals, will be open until 30th July!